View our Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, and Terms of Use.Įxcel ® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. You can earn a commission for sales leads that you send to us by joining our Any affiliate commissions that weĮarn when you click a link to Amazon or other sites is reinvested in keeping Web site are provided "as is" and we do not guarantee that they can be used in all The Formulas, Functions and Visual Basic procedures on this provides examples of Formulas, Functions and Visual Basic proceduresįor illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, includingīut not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness forĪ particular purpose. You will have to either click to the right of the picture and use the arrow keys, or press F5 or Ctrl+G to display the Go To dialog. The only difficulty now is that you can't click on cell A1 to select it. If you need to fine-tune the settings, you can use the menu item and adjust from 0 to 100% transparency. At 50 transparency, you can start to make out the words behind the photo. Choose one of the thumbnails to adjust the photo transparency. On the Picture Tools Format tab, there is a new Transparency slider. Choose one of the thumbnails to adjust the photo transparency.Īt 50% transparency, you can start to make out the words behind the photo Mary Ellen Jelens photo of the Falcon Heavy launch is obscuring the words in Excel. On the Picture Tools | Format tab, there is a new Transparency slider. Mary Ellen Jelen's photo of the Falcon Heavy launch is obscuring the words in Excel But that photo is displayed on top of the cells and you can not see the values in the cells. You can easily insert a photograph in Excel using Insert, Picture. Today, a quick article about the Picture Transparency tools in Excel.
There were several new Excel features announced. The Microsoft Ignite Conference was held in Orlando last week.